Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Fireplaces

For art this week we made cardboard fireplaces. We used simple art and craft materials to make them. First we got a cereal box and cut along one edge of it and turned it inside out. Then we sellotaped it up so you couldn’t see the brand of the box. After that we drew and coloured a brick design onto A3 paper. When we had finished that we stuck it onto our cereal box. We used black sugar paper and crepe paper to make a fire. We decorated them by sticking stockings and Christmas cards onto it. We had a lot of fun.

By Éilis Hynes

Friday, November 14, 2008

Science Experiments

Science Week

For science week we made hovercrafts. We used paper plates and small piece of paper. We made them by cutting a hole in the middle of the plate and rolled the paper to fit inside the hole. To move them you had to blow into the funnel. We gave them names like speed star and raced them in heats and then the winner of each heat went to the semi-final. The two winners of the semi-final went on to the final. Mrs.Treacy gave a prize to the over all winner. Also for science week we made paper helicopters. We stood on our chairs and let them fall to the ground. We had great fun making and learning about them.

By Lydia Flannery.

Credit Union Art Competition

Mrs Treacy got 5th and 6th class to draw and colour a poster for the Credit Union Art Competition. This year’s theme was about teamwork. Two people from 6th class came 2nd and 3rd. They were Éilis Hynes and Gavin Earls. In the Newpark Hotel on the 7th of November the presentation was held. We both got a framed plaque and a cheque. We also had our photo taken. Afterwards there were refreshments and drinks.